# Setting up Remix IDE

# Introduction to Remix

Remix is an open-source, web and desktop Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Ethereum development. It is the easiest development tool to get started with building on Ethereum, and has a huge collection of plugins to extend its experience.

Remix helps you write Solidity code directly in the browser, and has tools for testing, debugging, and deploying your smart contract to the blockchain.

You can visit Remix at https://remix.ethereum.org/

# Navigating Remix

When you first open Remix, you will be greeted with a screen like this.

In the left sidebar, you can switch between the File Explorer , the Solidity Compiler , the Deployer , and an Extensions panel.

In the bottom, there is an output panel, which displays output from your compilation, your deployments, and your function calls.

In the middle is where you will edit code. Currently it displays the home screen of the IDE, but once we open a file it will become the code editor.

# Remix Workflow

In the sidebar, if you look under the contracts folder - Remix ships with 3 basic smart contracts to help people learn Solidity. Let's take a look at 1_Storage.sol .

We can see the code editor now.

In the file explorer, we can also see options to create a new file or directory, upload local files, or import files from Github.

To compile our contracts, we shift over to the Solidity Compiler tab, and we will see something like this in the sidebar.

Here, we can choose which Compiler Version we want, which smart-contract programming language we are using (mostly you will just be using Solidity), and some further configuration options.

Note: The other programming language listed in Remix, Yul , is a lower-level language. It is meant for intermediate compilation, and is closer to the hardware than Solidity is. 99% of the time you will not be coding in Yul. Read more about Yul here - https://docs.soliditylang.org/en/v0.8.9/yul.html

Clicking Compile 1_Storage.sol will compile the contract and make it ready for deployment.

Moving over to the Deployment tab, we will see something like this in the sidebar.

First thing to note here is the Environment . Remix ships with a Remix VM (London) - which is a simulator of the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) running the London Upgrade in the browser. This allows for fast testing and debugging of your smart contract, as long as your contract doesn't depend on another contract deployed to a real Ethereum network. Thankfully, our Storage contract does not, so we can test it right here in the Remix VM.

To deploy to actual networks, we will want to change our Environment to one of the other options listed there (more on this later).

Along with the Remix VM (London) , Remix creates a set of fake accounts, all loaded up with 100 ETH, to test with.

Select the 1_Storage.sol contract from the dropdown, and click Deploy to deploy the contract.

Once the contract is deployed, you will see it under the Deployed Contracts section - where you can now call functions on your smart contract.

Calling the retrieve function will return a value of 0 right now, which is the default value for integers in Solidity.

Also, we will see in the Output panel some logs about the call to Storage.retrieve which is our function.

Now, let's try calling the store value with the number 5 .

Again, we see some logs in the output panel about the call to Storage.store . Now, if we try to retrieve again, the output will be 5 .

# Recommended

To learn more about Remix, we recommend:

  • Go through the documentation at https://remix-ide.readthedocs.io
  • Play around with the default smart contracts that Remix ships with to get a handle on the workflow